About Us

700 Great foundation is a non-profit organization that helps thousands of children as well as Orphans, Widows, Single Mothers, Fatherless and the Motherless in the world.

Julius Usifoh - CEO

Our Story

700 Great foundation is a non-profit organization that helps thousands of children as well as Orphans, Widows, Single Mothers, Fatherless and the Motherless in the world. Our goal is to provide building and roofing to schools. To help transform the lives of children by renovating schools for children who have no access to basic primary secondary education. Our educational assistance program seeks to provide school tuition as well as uniforms, shoes, bags, books, pencils and other school necessities to as many elementary and secondary schools as possible. This will get children off the streets and into the classroom, which will reduce street violence and offer them the opportunity to earn basic education to develop a vocation or career for themselves.

Projects Review




Clean Water Project


Hospital Projects


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We want to be able to help disabled youths to have basic education or job skills. Disabled youths usually resort to begging and becoming victims of dangerous activities. We want to educate them in job skills for their economic ad social independence. ​ Disabled youths turn to drugs and other social unacceptable activities o generate income. This is due to a high level of discrimination agains them. They are often abandoned and they need to be rescued and recovered from the streets. The 700 Great Foundations seeks to provide basic education, provide skills in shoe-making, tailoring and computer. This will make the youth stop begging on the streets and have the means to a healthy survival which will in turn reduce poverty.


Our goal is to provide building and roofing to schools. To help transform the lives of children by renovating schools for children who have no access to basic primary secondary education. Our educational assistance program seeks to provide school tuition as well as uniforms, shoes, bags, books, pencils and other school necessities to as many elementary and secondary schools as possible. This will get children off the streets and into the classroom, which will reduce street violence and offer them the opportunity to earn basic education to develop a vocation or career for themselves.


Look closely and you will discover that dirty water is often at the root of infant mortality, malnutrition, gender inequality illiteracy, disease and abject poverty. A person cannot thrive without clean water. ​We aim to provide clean water that will lead to better health improved sanitation, higher school attendance, and much more. Providing clean water is one of the ways we wish to change peoples lives and maintain everlasting change in the world. More than one of 10 people around the globe do not have access to clean water; women and children have to walk miles to collect water from concentrated rivers and streams and parents are forced to give their children these dirty water. Making them sick.


There women who are detained in hospitals over the inability to pay for maternal care received at these hospitals. Nigeria remains one of the countries in Africa with the highest Maternal Mortality Rate(MMR). According to W.H.O., Nigeria records 560 maternal death per 100,000 live births. Many of these women die due to lack of access to medical care as a result of poverty, long distance to health facility, obstructed labour haemorrhage and complications from poorly managed deliveries. ​ It is an unfortunate situation that pregnant women are detained in hospitals because of poverty. We are committed to take a class action on the behalf of 700 Great Foundation.


Cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body. Other terms used are malignant tumours and neoplasms. One defining feature of cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their usual boundaries, and which can then invade adjoining parts of the body and spread to other organs; the latter process is referred to as metastasis. Metastases are the primary cause of death from cancer. The Problem
Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020 (WHO).
The most common in 2020 (in terms of new cases of cancer) were: breast (2.26 million cases); lung (2.21 million cases); colon and rectum (1.93 million cases); prostate (1.41 million cases); skin (non-melanoma) (1.20 million cases); and stomach (1.09 million cases). The most common causes of cancer death in 2020 were: lung (1.80 million deaths); colon and rectum (935 000 deaths); liver (830 000 deaths); stomach (769 000 deaths); and breast (685 000 deaths) (WHO) .


Our organization’s mandate is to provide care and counselling to youth, young offenders and the community at large, regardless of religious preferences, ethnic background, gender and race. Their goal is to teach and counsel individuals on how they can break the cycle of violence, addiction and self-destructive behaviors and become productive members of society. others includes;
- Assistance for payment of fine for minor crimes
- Provision of Medical supplies, training workshops and seminars to assist prison Inmates with useful skills to help the like a crime free life.
- Provision of religious materials to prison Inmates